New Olympics, New Events, and Too Many American Medals

The crowd goes wild as the last skier steps up to the slope style skiing block, and screams even louder when he performs impossible-looking jumps and flips. And then comes the silent moment when the judges announce his score–his gold medal winning score! As his teammates run to congratulate him, I realize somthing. His teammates had won silver and bronze! And the country they’re skiing for, not supprisingly, is America.

I find it funny that a new event (like slope style skiing) is immediately taken over by the Americans and their pro skating teams, leaving the other countries in the dust. I’m not complaining, it’s just that there isn’t a sport that America doesn’t have influence in, Olympic or not.

I guess it doesn’t matter who wins, as long as it looks good on TV!

One thought on “New Olympics, New Events, and Too Many American Medals

  1. “And then comes the silent moment when the judges announce his score–his gold medal winning score!”

    Love what you did there, Matthew. Great excitement!

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