Smartwatch Mania

So, if you buy a watch, most likely the only thing you’re going to do with it is look at the time, right? Well, the point of a smartwatch is to call people, receive texts, read emails, check the weather, and make your life easier in many more ways than I’ve listed here. Did I mention it can also tell time?

The three companies that compete in the smartwatch business are Samsung, Pebble, and Sony, each offering a different approach on the smartwatch revolution. If you’re opposed to low battery life and random features like translating road signs to different languages, you would hate the Galaxy Gear. As for the Pebble and the Sony 2, they both offer the same amount of features, except that the Sony 2 is listed at 2 times the price as the Pebble, with the Pebble’s price at $150 even.

My favorite? Definetly the Pebble. Even though some people despise the black and white pixels, I don’t mind it. It would help with staring at my watch in direct sunlight. The price is good and affordable, so anyone can get it. On top of all that, it’s waterproof! And don’t forget the most important thing of all, it can tell time!

Samsung Galaxy Gear


Sony Smartwatch 2


Pebble Smartwatch


Pokemon X&Y

So, the new Pokemon came out, and I’m pretty exited about the reviews. I’ve talked to people about it, and it seems like most people who played Pokemon as an 8 year old kid are really into it. The people who didn’t ether hate it, or don’t really have any opinion on it. I played Pearl when I was 8, and I’m really looking forward to the improved graphics and new set of Pokemon that X and Y have to offer. To all the people who are playing on any DS less advanced than the 3DS, you’re gonna need an upgrade. Anyways, tell me what you think of X and Y in the comments. Nos Vemos!!

