Pokemon X&Y

So, the new Pokemon came out, and I’m pretty exited about the reviews. I’ve talked to people about it, and it seems like most people who played Pokemon as an 8 year old kid are really into it. The people who didn’t ether hate it, or don’t really have any opinion on it. I played Pearl when I was 8, and I’m really looking forward to the improved graphics and new set of Pokemon that X and Y have to offer. To all the people who are playing on any DS less advanced than the 3DS, you’re gonna need an upgrade. Anyways, tell me what you think of X and Y in the comments. Nos Vemos!!



Battle of the games


So, lately everybody’s been talking about the Xbox One and the Playstation 4. On the release of the new Xbox, Microsoft deleted the concept of game sharing. People got so angry about it, that they decided to bring it back. Just in time, too. I was starting to consider getting the PS4 instead. Nintendo apparently was feeling left out, and decided that they wanted to compete with the two gaming kings and create the most hilarious game device that has ever existed: the 2DS. I’m just waiting to see who’s going to win this game war. I hope for Microsoft, But I guess I’ll wait and see.


“Sony PS4 vs. Microsoft Xbox One: Who Won the E3 Console Battle?” – Zap2it. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2013.