Pokemon X&Y

So, the new Pokemon came out, and I’m pretty exited about the reviews. I’ve talked to people about it, and it seems like most people who played Pokemon as an 8 year old kid are really into it. The people who didn’t ether hate it, or don’t really have any opinion on it. I played Pearl when I was 8, and I’m really looking forward to the improved graphics and new set of Pokemon that X and Y have to offer. To all the people who are playing on any DS less advanced than the 3DS, you’re gonna need an upgrade. Anyways, tell me what you think of X and Y in the comments. Nos Vemos!!



One thought on “Pokemon X&Y

  1. All of the previous pokemon games were on an x and y coordinate plane. That means you could only walk in straight lines. Now, they release a game that isn’t on an x and y coordinate plane, and the title it “Pokemon: X and Y”. Nice job Nintendo.

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